About Us

Our School

Tadika Cilik Genius

Tadika Cilik Genius is a preschool located at Putrajaya Presint 14 which is generated by Islamic-English-creative-Preschool system called The Little Caliphs Program. The purpose of this preschool is to enhance student's knowledge regarding Islamic as well as general curricular knowledge. Our preschool also teach students to enhance the usage of English language as this preschool is english based preschool.

The Little Caliphs Program

The Little Caliphs Program (TLCP) is an Islamic-English-Creative pre-school program that helps pre-school children to realize their best spiritual, cognitive, socio-emotional and physical potential.

Unlike other conventional pre-school program, TLCP has a set of proven creative methodologies for teaching the children the meaningful foundation of Islam, learning and living skills in an integrative manner.

To equip teachers with effective teaching skills, TLCP offers series of trainings on teaching content and methodologies.

The program is offered to be standard curriculum for Islamic-English-Creative pre-school program all over the world.


Our mission is to instill the LOVE of Islam and knowledge to young children

Philosophy Educations

  • Believing that the benchmark of education is the content and method of Rasulullah s.a.w as applied by his noble companions, and there should be continuous improvement of this humble curriculum towards following the method.
  • Believing that education is to prepare the children towards fulfilling the duties as the slave of Allah, Khalifah of Allah, and Ummat of Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.
  • Believing that knowledge and sciences are indeed SIGNS of the Greatness of Allah, The Creator - as such, knowledge and sciences should be imparted to the children in a manner that strengthen their Tauheed and belief in Islam.
  • Believing that there is a gold mine in every child, when polished and educated in the light of Al-Quran and As-Sunnah, the child will be able to live his full potential towards successful life in this world and akhirah.
  • Believing that a child’s brain development occurs as a result of the interplay between nature (genes) and nurture (the environment); the architecture and size of the child’s brain is a result of the interaction with adults in his environment and everything experienced in the external environment.
  • Believing that the early years are instrumental in building a child’s healthy self- esteem and positive self-concept as a result of the acquired perceptions, beliefs and feelings.

Our Teachers


Saaniah binti Hasnat


  1. Nor Fadilah binti Amran
  2. Nurul Farah Ain binti Suhaimi
  3. Nur Aida Nazuha binti Adnan
  4. Syahida binti Mohd Sabri
  5. Umi Syahida binti Zulkifeli
  6. Nur Anisah
  7. Siti Sarah binti Zakaria

School Programs

Subject Module

The subjects offered under The Little Caliphs Program meet the requirement of Pre-school curriculum published by Malaysia’s Ministry of Education, and more. The subjects are listed below:

• Hafazan
• Iqra'
• Islamic Studies
• Islamic Mannerism
• English Language
• Bahasa Malaysia
• Mathematics
• Science
• Art and Craft
• Practical Life
• Physical Education
• Computer Appreciation

The above subjects are delivered through the following integrated modules:

• Integrated Module 1: Islam in Practical Life
• Integrated Module 2: Islamic Studies
• Integrated Module 3: Vocabulary
• Integrated Module 4: Fast Reading Technique (BM & English)
• Integrated Module 5: English Skills
• Integrated Module 6: Mathematics
• Integrated Module 7: Science

Islamic Studies Module

Teaching Islam is the most fulfilling element of teaching and learning. TLCP teaches Islam through Integrated Cross Curricular and Hands-on Teaching Approach.
Our components for this program are:

• Individualized technique to teach early Quranic Reading
• Hafazan using Huffaz System
• Integrated Islam in:

o Practical life (Solat, dua, zikr, akhlaq and Aqidah)
o Science (Adab)
o Vocabulary (Adab, fiqh)
o Mathematics (Tasawwur)
o Seerah (History and Geography)
o Art and Craft
o Active Learning (Islamic Songs)

We strongly believe that early learning exposure of Islam in children will leave a long lasting impact in their life towards realizing and accepting that Allah is their Lord and Sustainer, Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) is their teacher and role model and Islam is the way of life.

We hope for a great thawab for teaching Islam to children in their early learning years.

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